The meeting was hosted by the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation to share further detailed information on the AEO programs of the GTI Member countries, following the result of the discussion at the 1st AEO Working Group Meeting (22 NOV 2016, Beijing, China). During the meeting, the participants mainly shared the information on the customs clearance procedure and methods of identifying AEO cargos, learned the case of the China-ROK AEO MRA, and shared the related regulations on AEO program of each country.
Regarding the future work plan, the participants agreed that the 3rd AEO Working Group Meeting will take the format of workshop where with facilitation from an expert (e.g. GIZ) the AEO Working Group members have group discussions (brainstorming) to draft a Guideline for AEO programs in the GTI member countries and a Standardized AEO MRA Text among the GTI member countries.
All participants expressed appreciation to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and the GTI Secretariat for the arrangement of the 2nd AEO Working Group Meeting and showed their commitment to actively taking part in AEO cooperation among the GTI member countries.
The 3rd AEO Working Group will be hosted by the Mongolian Customs in September 2017 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.