CHEONAN – The 6th GTI Trade Facilitation Workshop was held during November 28-30, 2017 in Cheonan, Republic of Korea with a theme of “Realization of Trade Facilitation in the Northeast Asia through the promotion of AEO programs.”
Recognizing AEO system as a key instrument in lessening inefficient border-crossing procedures and securing companies’ customs compliance, the participants actively discussed the various issues related to AEO programs. While GTI member states introduced its authorization criteria and mutual recognition framework, an accredited WCO expert from WCO ROCB A/P touched on details of WCO SAFE Framework of Standards, which is a guideline to secure and facilitate global trade. Moreover, participants from other economies - Cambodia, Hong Kong, Malawi, and Rwanda - took part in the workshop to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights on AEO program.
From the GTI Secretariat, Mr. KIM Jaeshin (Senior Advisor) and Mr. ROH Chanho (Programme Consultant) participated the workshop on behalf of the GTI Secretariat. Mr. Kim conveyed his appreciation to all participants for insights comments that are vital to further improving trade facilitation activities in the region. Mr. ROH introduced GTIs trade and investment activities, as well as its efforts to strike a balance between trade facilitation and trade security through the implementation of “AEO Cooperation Scheme among Customs Administration” project.
The GTI Secretariat and Korea Customs Service have been jointly hosting GTI Trade Facilitation Workshop since 2012, and it has been recognized as a tool to identify bottlenecks in trade areas and seek policy options for the GTI members.