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The 1st National Coordinators (NC) Meeting of 2018
2018/7/11 12:00:16 Views:



The 1st National Coordinators (NC) Meeting of 2018 was held on 1 June with the format of the video conference, with the participation of National Coordinators from Member States and representatives from research institution.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Member states reviewed and commented on the proposal for technical assistance from Asian Development Bank for development of Project Office mechanism and the action plan and rationale on establishment of the GTI Project Office, and directed the Secretariat to further revise the proposal technical assistance and present the progress on the development of PO mechanism on the CC Meeting. The concept paper on the Business Cooperation Working Group was also introduced. It is agreed that members will further consult with their national chambers about the membership to the future Working Group and Association of Chambers, and the concept paper will be further revised.


Delegates also reviewed the work progress of GTI since last NC meeting in November 2017 and approved 6 new project proposals presented: "Joint exposition of GTI member countries at the XXII Pacific International Tourism Exhibition", "Training for the GTI local governments on marketing of tourism destinations and tourism planning", "China Agriculture Technical Study Tour", "Joint seminar with Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation of ROK", "Policy Dialogue on Industrial Parks" and "GTI workshop on FTA&RTA ". Additionally, members approved and welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with UN World Tourism Organization at the CC meeting.


Before the closing of the meeting, delegates reviewed and commented on the main CC Meeting Documents and Ulaanbaatar Declaration. As the host of the coming CC meeting, the Mongolian party expressed their expectations for the high-level participation and wished the meeting with success.