Jeju – The 7th GTI Trade Facilitation Workshop was successfully organized on November 20-22, 2018 in Jeju, Republic of Korea with a theme on risk management in customs.
Since 2012, the GTI Secreariat and Korea Customs Service have been jointly hosting GTI Trade Facilitation Workshop, which functions as an international platform to exchange information and identify bottlenecks in trade areas, as well as seek policy solutions for the GTI members.
This year, recognizing the significance of efficient and effective risk management in border-crossing procedures, the delegates actively exchanged related information and policy, and shared their experience and insights on improving risk management process and system. In particular, GTI member states discussed the analysis and targeting information on high-risk passenger and import/export cargo, where the passenger information systems as well as cargo selectivity process were displayed, together with the analysis and targeting procedures, criteria, and case study. Moreover, participants exchanged deeper insights on the overall risk management process, integrated clearance procedure, and advance risk identification based on their practices and experience.
From the GTI Secretariat, Mr. Kim Jaeshin (Senior Advisor) conveyed his appreciation to all participants for insights and comments that are vital to further improving trade facilitation activities in the region, and called for efforts and cooperation on advancing the development of risk management system for customs in member states. Mr. Shin Sanghoon (Programme Advisor) briefly presented the background of GTI and NEA regional cooperation, the intra-trade in NEA region, and the progress of the GTI activities in the trade and investment sector.