The 2nd GTI-CCTT Joint Conference was held in Moscow (in hybrid format) on February 28, 2024. The Conference was organized in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation between the GTI and CCTT Secretariats and by decision of the GTI Transport Board.
It was attended by representatives of central and regional governments and agencies, transport and logistics companies and academia from Russia, China, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and Japan, as well as international organizations such as Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the World Food Organization (FAO).
The conference provided a platform for dialogue between representatives of the transport authorities of the GTI member states and transport and logistics operators - members of the CCTT.
The participants exchanged information on projects implemented in their countries at the national and regional levels aimed at developing transport infrastructure, promoting advanced logistics solutions and developing supply chains.
Following the discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations were adopted.