During the session of projects discussion, the following project proposals were presented: Implementation status of the GTI project “Ecotourism Development in Northeast Asia”, plans for organizations of the 10th GTI NEA Tourism Forum in Hunchun, Stimulating the Development of Tourism Infrastructure and Supporting Tourism Projects in Border Areas: Case of the Khasansky District, and the Revival of the Cross-border Railway Route Through the Great Tea Way.
Before the closure of the meeting, the Board Members discussed and agreed on the work plan for 2024-25. The chairmanship in the Board was taken over by Mongolia to host the 16th GTI Tourism Board meeting in 2025.
Seminar on Ecotourism Promotion in NEA was organized as a side event to the 15th GTI Tourism Board meeting with the objectives to share experiences on the national ecotourism development; to raise awareness of the tourism community in NEA countries on the prospective ecotourism products; and to reflect the outcomes of the discussions in the Handbook on NEA Ecotourism Routes which is being prepared under the coordination of the Russian Federation.
The Seminar was attended by representatives of governments, businesses and other organizations from Russia, China, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea.
The participants presented the latest progress in Ecotourism Development in NEA, discussed opportunities, challenges and best practices. Further on, they shared their views on the perspectives of GTI cooperation to promote ecotourism. Outcomes of the Seminar were summarized and shared with the participants.