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The Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) and the International Coordinating Council for TransEurasian Transportation (CCTT) Secretariats will organize the 2nd GTI-CCTT Joint Conference with the theme of "Growth Opportunities for Transport Logistics and Supply Chains in Northeast Asia and Beyond" on February 28, 2024 in Moscow, Russia, in a hybrid format.


The Conference should provide a platform for a dialogue between representatives of government agencies, transport and logistics operators, shippers and consignees, local authorities and private sector companies and contribute to improving the effectiveness of supply chains and strengthening regional cooperation in general. Participants of the conference will discuss new transport and logistics services, solutions, and technologies in Northeast Asia and beyond, various aspects of the development of transport corridors connecting the GTI region with key economic partners in other regions of the world. Issues of development of multimodality, strengthening of cross-sectoral cooperation, and peculiarities of transportation of certain categories of goods could also be raised.


The event shall also be useful for establishing new and strengthening existing links between transport, logistics and economic operators with local authorities participating in the work of GTI and may facilitate the opening of new routes and transport services.


Interested participants from GTI member countries or based in NEA region may register for further considerations: https://forms.office.com/e/v3CwzG35Hp


The Conference will be conducted in English and Russian, with simultaneous interpretation. Tentative programme of the Conference:



Attendance to the Conference is by invitation only. For more information, please contact: Mr. Sergey Khidirov, Senior Programme Officer, GTI Secretariat, e-mail: sergey.khidirov@undp.org